September 22, 2024
10 am
Notices of Church Life and Activities
Ringing of the Church Bell
In silence, pray for the Church, the pastor, and yourself as the organ plays quietly.
Call to Worship
*Praise Songs
*Opening Prayer - The Lord’s Prayer
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 119:1-8 pg. 650
Choir Anthem
Prayers for our Nation, our Families, and Church
Offering - Song - "Keswick Doxology" - Prayer
New Testament Reading: Philippians 4:2-9 pg. 1250
*Hymn #69 ~ "Crown Him with Many Crowns"
Children Age 4- Grade 4 dismiss to Children’s Church
Sermon - "The Way of Purity"
*Hymn #346 ~ "He Keeps Me Singing"
*Closing Prayer
"I would sooner be holy than happy if the two things could be divorced. Were it possible for a man always to sorrow and yet to be pure, I would choose the sorrow if I might win the purity, for to be free from the power of sin, to be made to love holiness, is true happiness." - Charles Spurgeon