Dino and Janice Crognale are medical missionaries to Kenya, who we support through World Gospel Mission. They serve at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya. Please see their website for more info about the Crognales or World Gospel Mission
Declare God's Wonders
DinoPastor (Paul Veit) is a traveling evangelist using Creation to speak about the Good News of Jesus Christ to unbelievers, and to build up the faith of Christians, by showing Biblical Creation to be supportable. He is the Founder and Director of Declare God's Wonders, Inc., an evangelistic ministry, and The Dinosaur Encounter, a Creation Learning Center located in Bridgton, Maine.
Please see his website for more info Declare God's Wonders or The Dinosaur Enounter.
Mary Ann Lord
Mary Ann Lord is a missionary to the Yora people in Peru. She works through Wycliffe Bible Translators to get the Word of God into the Yora's language. Please see their website for more info about Wycliffe Bible Translators.